Every Sunday there are 7 masses in Kifaru parish and its out stations. At 7.15am kifaru Church, at 7.30am Kivisini outsrtation, at 09.30am St. Joseph school, Jipe Govt. secondary School, Kileo outstation & Kalimani outstation, at 11.00am at Jipe Outstation. All the 5 priestes resided at the SMA Mission serve the people of God on the Sunday. Sometimes our priests exted the service at Kitogotho, Kambiasimba and Butu outstations.






Contact Us

Tanzania Mission Africa:

The Society of Mangalore Africa Mission®,  
P. O. Box 113, Mwanga,
Kilimanjaro Region,
East Africa

Mangalore Office:

Bishop's House
Kodialbail Post- 575 003
Karnataka State

+255 756412278 / 0758437984 +91 824 2440524
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