1st Sunday (5.9.21) the "Season of Creation- 2021". At Kivisini, out station of Kifaru Parish, Diocese of Same, celebrated a meaningful Mass in the nature along with symbolic "Abraham's Tent a home for All?" It was an experience of our connectedness with Creation - and a call to take care of our "Common Home". Very significantly around 'Abrahm's Tent' under a tree, we created a pleasing presence of flowers, fruits, vegitables, maze, rice, microorganisms (EM), live chicken, rabbit, bee hive, goat, etc. along with this our worshiping community, welcomed our Lord and the King of Kings. At the Concecration, He, transforms bread and wine into His mystical body & Blood, to nourish and empower the people of Faith, to 'renew the _Oikos_of God'. Today's Mass was a very meditative and sublime experience! Praise be to Jesus Christ for the 'Season of Creation - 2021'

















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