Date : 26-3-2018
Place: Immaculate Conception of Mary Parish Kifaru
The Holy week ceremoniers were celebrated at Kifaru parish and at 4 sustations also at St. Joseph School. The holy week ceremony began on 26th of March with the ceremony of Palm Sunday with the blessings of Palm leaves to commemorate the victorious entry of Lord Jesus to Jerusalem. On that day all the priest of mission celebrated the palm Sunday ceremony at all the substations and Fr. Hilary offered mass at St. Joseph school. Students and faithful of kalimani parish were present for the holy Eucharist.
On 29th of March faithful of Kifaru celebrated the ceremonies of Moundy Thursday. Thi is the day Lord Jesus constituted the sacrament of Holy Eucharist. People also remember the last supper of Lord Jesus and his desiples on this day. That day there was only mass at Kifaru parish and all the faithful from different substations came to the kifaru church to celebrate the mounday thursdy litergy.
On 30th of March was the Good Friday a day to remember the passion and death of Lord Jesus. This also a important day for the catholic faithful as they observe this day with fasting and armsgiving. That day all the substations took part in the ceremonies at their respective substation chapels. All the priests of mission celebrated and took part in the Good Friday ceremony.
On 31st april Saturday evening faithful celebrated the Easter vigil at kifaru parish. The blessing of fire and Holy water ceremony took place during the vigil. On 1st April on the Easter Sunday the feast of the resurection of Lord Jesus was celebrated in all the substation with faithful and at school with students.